The Truth About Myths: Can Cat Urine Get You High?

We love our furry friends and often go to great lengths to ensure their comfort and well-being. However, there are some myths and misconceptions surrounding cats and their behavior that can leave us scratching our heads. One such myth that has been circulating for years is the idea that can cat urine get you high?

In this blog post, we will delve into the science behind cat urine and its potential effects on the human body. We will explore the compounds found in cat urine, how they interact with our bodies, and if there is any validity to the idea that cat urine can get you high. 

Additionally, we will discuss the dangers of ingesting cat urine, including the risk of contracting diseases and infections.

What is cat urine?

Cat urine is a mixture of waste products that are excreted by cats through their urinary system. It is composed of various substances, including urea, creatinine, uric acid, and various electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and chloride. The composition of cat urine can vary depending on factors such as the cat’s diet, hydration levels, and overall health.

Does cat pee contain any illegal substances?

All animal waste products can potentially transmit harmful bacteria and pathogens. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of any potential dangers associated with your pet’s waste products, including urine. While there are no illegal substances that can cat pee get you high, it may contain traces of chemicals from household cleaning products or medications that can be harmful to your cat’s health.

These substances can also pose a risk to other pets or humans in your household. To ensure the safety of your furry friend and those around you, it is crucial to use high-quality, pet-safe cleaning products, cat litter box and store medications and cleaning supplies in a secure location.

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Types of cat urine and their effects

Cat urine can vary in composition and appearance, with each type indicating different health conditions or behavior patterns in cats. Understanding the types of cat urine can help cat owners identify potential health problems and take appropriate action. Here are some of the different types of cat urine:

1. Normal cat Urine

Normal cat urine refers to urine that has a yellowish color and a mild odor. It is typically clear or slightly cloudy and has a pH level of 5.5 to 7.0. This type of urine is usually an indication that the cat is healthy and well-hydrated.

2. Concentrated cat Urine

This type of urine has a stronger smell and a darker color than usual. The urine is typically caused by dehydration, which can be a result of not drinking enough water or an underlying health issue such as kidney disease or diabetes.

3. Bloody cat urine

Bloody cat urine refers to urine that contains visible amounts of blood. This can be a sign of various medical conditions in cats, including urinary tract infections, bladder stones or tumors, and feline idiopathic cystitis. It is important to seek veterinary attention if you notice blood in your cat’s urine, as prompt diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further complications.

4. Cloudy cat urine

Cloudy cat urine is a type of urine that appears hazy or opaque. This type of urine is often an indication of a bacterial infection, bladder stones, or dehydration. Bacterial infections can lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs) in cats, which can cause discomfort and pain.

5. Smelly cat urine

This is an indication of several health problems in cats. If the urine has a particularly sharp or offensive smell, it might indicate a urinary tract infection, kidney infection, bladder infection, or blockage. Foul-smelling urine can also be a sign of other serious health conditions such as liver disease, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism. 

It is essential to take your cat to the veterinarian for a checkup if you notice a strong odor in their urine.

6. Foamy cat urine

Foamy cat urine is a type of urine that is characterized by the presence of bubbles or foam on the surface of the urine. When a cat’s kidneys are not functioning properly, they may produce urine that appears foamy due to the presence of protein in their urine. 

Diabetes can also lead to foamy urine due to the increase in glucose levels, which may cause the kidneys to filter out more water and protein. 

Urinary tract infections can also result in foamy urine due to the presence of bacteria or other pathogens. 

7. Ammonia smelling cat urine

Ammonia smelling urine is a common type of cat urine that can be identified by its strong and pungent odor. The odor is caused by the presence of uric acid in the urine, which breaks down into ammonia as it dries.

One of the main causes of this type of cat urine is dehydration, which can cause the urine to become more concentrated and therefore more pungent. This can be a reason that the cat’s diet is high in protein which can be a problem for your pet friend.

8. Strong Smelling cat urine

Strong smelling cat urine can be an indicator of various health issues in cats. Some possible causes of strong-smelling cat urine are dehydration, urinary tract infection, diabetes, kidney disease, and liver problems.

9. Urine with crystal

Crystals are formed when certain minerals in the urine come together and solidify. Urine with crystals typically indicates a problem with the cat’s urinary tract. It can be a sign of urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or other medical conditions. 

10. Urine with muscus

The possible causes of mucus in cat urine include urinary tract infections, bladder inflammation, bladder stones, tumors, or even prostate disease in male cats. The presence of mucus in the urine can indicate inflammation of the urinary tract, which can cause discomfort and pain for the cat. 

Additionally, if left untreated, the underlying health issue causing the mucus in the urine can lead to more serious health problems

11. Urine with a strange color

The color of a cat’s urine can vary based on their diet, hydration level, and medications. However, if the color is consistently abnormal, it is important to take action.

Therefore, if a cat owner observes any unusual changes in their cat’s urine color, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis.

Why You Should Avoid Ingesting Cat Urine

Cats are known to carry certain pathogens in their urine that can cause infections in humans. Ingesting cat urine can lead to several health problems. The urine of cats contains a high concentration of ammonia and bacteria, which can be harmful to humans.

One of the most common infections that can be transmitted through cat urine is toxoplasmosis. This is a parasitic infection caused by a protozoan called Toxoplasma gondii. While most healthy people may not experience any symptoms. 

The risk of infection is particularly high for people with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly, young children, and those who are undergoing chemotherapy or taking immunosuppressive drugs.

Can you get high off cat piss?

 No, it is not possible to get high off cat urine but, cat urine can be harmful if ingested or inhaled, as it may contain bacteria, ammonia, and other toxins. So, it is important to properly clean and dispose of cat urine to maintain a healthy and safe environment.

Possible side effects of inhaling or consuming cat urine

1. Allergic reactions: Some people may develop allergic reactions to cat urine, which can cause symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, itching, and redness.

2. Respiratory problems: Inhaling cat urine can irritate the respiratory system and cause breathing difficulties, especially for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

3. Infections: Cat urine may contain bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause infections in humans, such as urinary tract infections or bacterial pneumonia.

4. Poisoning: Cat urine may contain toxic substances, such as ammonia, that can be harmful if ingested or inhaled in large amounts.

5. Kidney damage: Prolonged exposure to high levels of ammonia in cat urine can lead to serious kidney damage in both cats and humans. It is important to address urine odor and stains as soon as possible to prevent long-term health complications.

Is cat urine smell permanent

Is cat urine smell permanent? The answer is that cat urine smell is not necessarily permanent, but it depends on several factors. The severity of the odor and how long it has been present can make a difference in how easy or difficult it is to remove. 

How to get rid of cat urine

Dealing with cat urine can be frustrating and challenging. Whether it’s a new kitten or an older cat, accidents can happen. However, it’s important to act fast and get rid of the urine to prevent any staining or unwanted odors. Here are the steps you can take to get rid of cat urine:

1. Identify the Source of the Smell
2. Quickly clean up the urine
3. Use a Cat Urine Odor Remover
4. Blot the urine with paper towels or a cloth to remove as much as possible.
5. Let the cleaner sit for at least 15 minutes
6. Use a black light to ensure all urine has been removed
7. Repeat the process if necessary
8. Apply an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for cat urine, following the instructions on the label.
9. Consider using deterrents or pheromone diffusers to discourage marking behavior.


1, What is a high peeing cat?

A high peeing cat may refer to a cat that is urinating in inappropriate places, such as on furniture or outside of the litter box. This behavior could be a sign of a medical issue or behavioral problem and should be addressed by a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.

2. Can you actually get high from cat urine?


3. Can cat pee make you dizzy?

Inhaling strong or concentrated cat urine odor can cause nausea, headaches, and respiratory issues. If you are experiencing dizziness or any other symptoms after being exposed to cat urine, it is recommended to seek medical attention.

4. Is cat pee toxic to touch?

Yes, cat pee can be toxic to touch if it is contaminated with bacteria or viruses. Use proper protective gear, such as gloves and masks when you are going to clean cat urine or litter box.

5. What diseases can you get from cat urine?

There are several diseases that can be transmitted through contact with cat urine, such as toxoplasmosis, cat scratch fever, leptospirosis, and salmonella.

Final Word

To conclude, while it is unlikely that cat urine can get you high, it is important to note the potential health hazards associated with exposure to it. The strong odor and ammonia present in cat urine can cause respiratory issues, and prolonged exposure can lead to more serious health problems. It’s crucial to maintain a clean litter box and seek medical attention immediately if you experience any negative symptoms after exposure to cat urine.

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