Exploring the Possibility: Can a Root Canal Get Infected?

Can a root canal get infected? The answer is yes! But root canal infections are rare. A root canal infection is an oral condition that forms at the root of the tooth due to a bacterial infection. This rare oral condition happens when bacteria invade the inner chamber of the teeth. 

Under the white outer layer of your teeth, there is a soft inner layer that is called the pulp. Root canal treatment is needed when the tooth pulp gets infected. The tooth pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connected tissues. If you have an abscess and a pocket of pus forms at the root of the tooth, then this may infect the root canal. 

Throughout this article, we will be discussing whether root canals can get inflamed or infected.  

What is a root canal infection?

Root canal infection is a critical oral condition that occurs when the inner layer of the tooth pulp gets inflamed or infected. This type of infection mainly occurs when bacteria invade the pulp area inside of the tooth and the cavity is left untreated for ages.

Root canal treatment is also necessary if your tooth becomes cracked or damaged due to decay or trauma. Patients with root canal infections should seek dental attention immediately to prevent the cavity from spreading to other teeth. 

How do you know if a root canal is infected?

Provided that you are experiencing any of the below-mentioned signs then you may be suffering from a dental problem that requires immediate treatment. The signs include:

  1. Severe pain when you bite down or place pressure on the affected tooth.
  2. A dental abscess that creates deep pockets full of pus around the tooth root.
  3. The bacteria that cause chronic bad breath.
  4. Tooth darkening is a solid sign you have an infected root canal.
  5. Pain and discomfort, mild tenderness to unbearable pain.
  6. Swelling or a warm feeling in the area around the infected tooth. 

If an infected root canal is left untreated chances are that the nerves and tissue inside the tooth will die.

What are the main causes of root canal infection after treatment?

There can be a lot of reasons that may cause you to have a root canal infection. You may feel some discomfort and tenderness or a little pain immediately after the root canal procedure. Keep in mind that it is normal to feel some tenderness for a few days. However, if the pain is excruciating then you should consult a doctor immediately.

Root canal bacteria can reinfect the areas if the treatment procedure was done negligently. The main causes of root canal infection are:

  1. Your previously treated tooth may not be recovered fully. 
  2. Even if a small number of bacteria remains in the infected canal areas, they can reinfect a tooth. 
  3. After months of the initial treatment if some of the canal space is unfilled then it can become home to rapidly growing infections.
  4. New undetected cracks, trauma, or decay to the tooth can lead the bacteria to reinfect.

Infection under crown root canal

Infection or inflammation under the crown root canal usually originates from the tooth’s inner pulp. If your tooth is cracked or has a deep cavity then this would allow bacteria to enter the pulp tissue. 

These bacteria and germs can cause infection under the crown root canal. Do you know what causes infections underneath your crown root canal? Infection can be caused by an untreated cavity and the presence of an abscess under the crown root canal. 

If the infected tissue underneath your crown root canal is not removed and if you do not maintain proper dental hygiene then your tooth may have to be removed. 

Infected root canal with crown symptoms

Why do most people get crowns? The number one reason for this tooth decay or trauma.

Once you have a root canal treatment to cover the decay of the tooth, the doctors place, a crown, which is also called a cap. This is an artificial tooth that is used as a temporary solution. 

A crown can put pressure on the nerve of your tooth. If the crown is applied incorrectly and that can lead to an infection. 

Some of the symptoms of dental crown toothaches are:

  1. Crown problem occurs when it’s placed before the root canal treatment and the tooth still has nerves running under the crown.  
  2. The most common reason is that your crown is not perfectly paced during the treatment. 
  3. New tooth fracture after crown treatment can cause mild pain.
  4. In extremely rare cases you may face an allergic reaction to the dental crown.
  5. If your dental crown is not covering your whole tooth this can lead to a serious problem.
  6. Other crown symptoms can be tooth fracture, tooth decay, or sore gums along with jaw pain, throbbing, and nerve pain in the infected tooth.

You must see a doctor again if you feel these above problems are happening to you after the treatment. The main purpose of this dental crown treatment is to protect and restore the tooth. Contact your dentist as soon as possible to ensure the problem does not get worse. 

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Does a root canal infection have some common symptoms? 

Well yes, the most common symptom is sudden toothache after the root canal treatment.  

Can a crown or cap put pressure on the tooth nerve? 

If the dental crown was not placed correctly then it can put pressure on your tooth nerve. This can reinfect your tooth.

Is a root canal necessary? 

A root canal is necessary if you are suffering from a tooth infection. 

Is root canal treatment safe?

Yes, root canal treatment is safe its main purpose is to protect your tooth from unwanted infection.

Final Thoughts

As you all know root canal treatment is for people who have been infected already with tooth decay or trauma. You may have a tooth infection if there is swelling and tenderness in your gums. We advise you to seek dental treatment urgently if the pain, swelling, and tenderness persist for weeks.

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